This post is aimed to help anyone needing steps to gain access to the Twitter Developer API, but it’s written specifically to help customers of my WP Review Slider Pro plugin here. It allows you to search, download, and display tweets on your WordPress site.
I’ve broken it down into 3 sections. The first one will explain how to sign-up for a Twitter Developer account. Next, I’ll go over how to get your client tokens. Finally, I’ll cover signing up for the Premium Search API.
Step 1: Sign-up for a Twitter Developer Account
- Go to this url and click the “Apply for a developer account” button.
- Follow along with this video. Make sure you use your own info for email, business name, etc…
Step 2: Create an App
After you have been approved by Twitter as a Developer, you can now create a twitter app to use with the plugin. This is how you get your API Keys and Tokens.
- Go to this url and use the “Create an app” button.
- Follow along with this video…
Step 3: Sign-up for the Premium Search API
The plugin uses the Twitter Premium Search API to look for tweets. Twitter gives you 250 free 30-day searches and 50 all-time searches a month.
- Go here and click the “Set up dev environment” button. Make sure you use the label “wprevdev” for the “Dev environment label” and select the same app as the keys you used above.
- Here’s a video of the process.